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Grade 6 Online Student Activities

Also appropriate for Grade 7 and Grade 8

The Factor Game

How To Use (video)  | Launch the Factor Game 


Identifying factors of whole numbers


The game is played on a board that contains the positive integers 1-30. Players take turns choosing a whole number. The first player picks a number and the other player selects all the proper factors of that number. Once either player has selected a number, that number is unavailable for future turns. The game ends when there are no numbers with proper factors left on the board. Each player adds the selected proper factors that he/she has selected. The person with the greater total wins the game.

Game options include extending the game board to contain the whole numbers 1-49 or 1-100. A player can compete against the computer or another player.

Related Links

Factor Game on NCTM Illuminations- This version allows you to change the number of rows and columns. The existing DASH applet is only for grids of 30, 49 or 100. 

The Product Game

How to Use (video) | Launch the Product Game 


Identifying factors of whole numbers 


A two-player game in which players take turns choosing a pair of whole numbers from 1-9. For each product they form, they place a chip on a board, on the appropriate number. First player to have four chips in a row wins. 

Game options include changing the factors in play or changing the number in a row to win. 

Related Links 

Product of Game on NCTM Illuminations- This version provides an option to play against a computer. 

Target Game

How to Use (video) | Launch the Target Game 


Connecting equivalent fractions and equivalent decimals; comparing fractions and decimals; locating fractions and decimals on a number line 


Players take turns to roll a die and use the values on the die to form fractions (numerators and denominators); one roll to form a numerator and one for a denominator. After each player has formed five fractions, the player who has the fraction closest to the given "target fraction" wins. 

Game options include playing with fractions or decimals.

Fraction Game

How To (video)  | Launch the Fraction Game 


Developing strategies for adding and subtracting fractions less than 1 


Players are given seven number lines with different sub-units (halves, thirds, quarters, etc.). Both players use the same number lines. After drawing a card that contains a fraction, a player can move his/her slider to a point on a number line, provided the distance is less than or equal to the fraction on the card. Each player must get his/her sliders to the end of each number line. First player to get all seven sliders to the right side of the number lines wins. 

Related Links 

Fraction Game on NCTM Illuminations - This is for 1 player only.

Virtual Box

How to (video) | Launch Virtual Box 


Finding the surface area and volume of rectangular prisms 


Students create boxes of various dimensions, unfold the boxes to create nets, and "fill" the boxes with cubes to calculate volume. This activity facilitates understanding volume of prisms as "filling the base" and looking at the "number of stacks" to fill a prism. 

Climbing Monkeys

How To Use (video) | Launch Climbing Monkeys 


Exploring patterns of change in equations and graphs; modeling the climb or decline of the monkeys using two linear algebraic equations 


Students set the "climbing options" for two monkeys, and watch the monkeys ascend or descend palm trees. The vertical heights of the monkeys are graphed on an associated grid. Monkeys can climb up or down, move at different speeds, and start from different heights.