Teacher Resources

Creating Virtual Manipulatives
How can you do some of the activities in CMP Problems in a virtual format? These power points can be made available to students or embedded into other software, such as Google Slides. These will allow students to do activities virtually. Students can manipulate the images to do things like; measure, create new shapes or match representations.
Puzzles offer a unique way to engage students. The underpinning mathematics can offer a glimpse into how math helps to explain our world. These intriguing challenges may be appropriate as ways to enhance a lesson, as an alternative to a lesson, or as just a little mathematical fun.
Algebraic Representation Matching
At the heart of Algebraic reasoning is developing an understanding of and the relationships among variables. Knowing how variable relationships are shown and connected in various representations (word, tables, graphs, equations) is a valuable skill. These matching exercises offer an opportunity to explore and discuss the connection across representations. Students can look for how the multiple representations express similar reasoning around the variables. The three matching exercises are appropriate for all CMP students in Grade 6 – 8.

Projects provide an opportunity to assign tasks that are more product/performance-based. Project tasks are typically open-ended and allow students to engage in independent work and to demonstrate broad understanding of ideas. Directions for the projects typically appear in the Student Edition pages. Project guidelines, student examples, and scoring rubrics typically appear in the Teacher Guide pages.

There are 12 different digital math tools, including several modes for tools, available for students in CMP3. Teacher support material includes a description for how the tool can be used as students work on problems or exercises.

CMP Realize Student Activities
These activities pair well with lessons, as review, or even as a way to keep students learning from home and engaged in mathematics. The Factor Game, The Product Game, Target Fame, Fraction Game, and Integer Product Game are all great options for current CMP Units.

Connect with over 800 CMP teachers on the Facebook Discussion Group. Collaborate with others and discuss various aspects of teaching and learning with the Connected Mathematics curriculum.