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Prime Time: Factors and Multiples

Prime Time


Number theory, including factors, multiples, primes, composites, prime factorization; order of operations, distributive property.

Overview of Changes

Significant Changes: Now includes the Distributive Property and Order of Operations in Investigation 4

Detailed Description of Changes

The five investigations of CMP2, Prime Time, have been collapsed into four investigations in CMP3. The first three investigations contain the problems from the CMP 2, Investigation 1-5. Two of the three problems in Investigation 2 from the CMP2 unit have been put into the new Investigations 1 and 4. The old Problem 2. 1, Rectangles and Factor Pairs, becomes the new Problem 1.4 and the old Problem 2.2, Reasoning with Even and Odd Numbers, becomes the new Problem 4.1. The old Problem 2.2, Venn Diagrams, has been cut. It now occurs in the extension.

The new Investigation 4 Linking Multiplication and Addition, was created to address the distributive property and order of operations in the 6th grade CCSS. The introduction of the distributive property provides an opportunity to contrast the multiplicative and additive structure of numbers and thus strengthen the understanding of both addition and multiplication. The first problem is the old Problem 2.2, Reasoning with Even and Odd Numbers from CMP2. Using square tiles to prove the sum of two even numbers is even provides a visual representation to introduce the distributive property in Problem 4.2. Problem 4.3 develops the Order of Operations convention, and Problem 4.4 provides a set of problems in which students must decide which operation is needed to solve the problem.

New Investigation Changes in CMP2 Investigation
Investigation 1 Building on Factors and Multiples Investigation 1 is essentially the same as the Investigation 1 from CMP 2. The old 2.1 is now the new 1.4.
Investigation 2 Common Multiples and Common Factors Investigation 2 is Investigation 2 from CMP 2. The old 2.2 has moved to Inv. 4 as 4.1.
Investigation 3 Factorizations: Searching for Factor Strings Investigation 3 is Investigation 4 from CMP 2 
Investigation 4 Linking Multiplication and Addition: the Distributive Property Investigation 4 is a new investigation with a focus on the distributive property and  order of operations.