Working with Families

Over the past three to four decades, a growing body of knowledge from the cognitive sciences has supported the notion that students develop their own understanding from their experiences with mathematics. The National Research Council, among other groups, has drawn attention to research that suggests that "learning is a complex cognitive process that builds on prior knowledge and requires active engagement with new situations."

Mathematics is a special language consisting of words, tables, graphs and symbols to represent and communicate mathematical ideas. As with all language acquisition, students learn to communicate mathematics by talking, listening, reading, and writing. In CMP classes students build the skills that allow them to communicate their thinking with many others. They make conjectures, try these out, report on progress and refine their thinking.

This brochure gives families a general description of CMP with ideas for how to help students with homework. It is intended to be printed 2-sided and folded it so the " Helping Your Child Succeed..." is the front of the brochure.