Preparing to Teach CMP
A quick list of resources on the CMP website as teachers get ready for the school year.
Unit Preparation
- Planning a Unit
- Questions to consider when becoming familiar with a Unit
- Planning an Investigation
- Questions to consider when looking at an Investigation
- Focus Questions, Unit Goals, & Mathematical Reflections
- The Unit Goals, Focus Questions, and Mathematical Reflections for each unit are contained in one document to assist with planning and teaching.
- Scope and Sequence
- The Scope and Sequence contains the order of the Units in which they should be taught. In addition, the instructional time and Investigations, goals, Common Core Standards, and connections to other units are provided for each Unit.
- CMP Classroom Observation Guide: Working Together to Support Teacher and Student Learning
- This guide is intended to provide a comprehensive look at a CMP classroom. Use it to inspire rich conversations among teachers, coaches, and administrators based around the teaching and learning of mathematics in a productive classroom environment.
Lesson Preparation
- Instructional Model
- Problem-centered teaching opens the mathematics classroom to exploring, conjecturing, reasoning, and communicating. The CMP model looks at instruction in three phases: launching, exploring, and summarizing.
- Planning a Lesson
- Questions to consider when planning a Launch, Explore, and Summarize.
- Planning to Teach a Problem
- Provides important questions that can guide teachers' planning for teaching a Problem.
- How I plan a Lesson
- Jennifer Kruger, a CMP teacher for ten years, shares how she plans each of her lessons.
- Preparing, Questioning, and Scaffolding Considerations Video: Teachers Talking to Teachers 9 minutes 15 seconds
- Presented by Whitney Evans and Jim Wohlgenhagen
- From the 2010 Users' Conference
- This video provides "key ingredients" for preparing an effective lesson.
- Providing for Individual Needs
- Suggestions on how to increase interaction and participation throughout the Launch, Explore, and Summary.
- Reflecting on Student Learning
- Jennifer Kruger, a CMP teacher for ten years, shares how she plans each of her lessons.
Discourse and Collaboration: Teacher Strategies
- Preparing the Classroom Environment
- Suggestions for grouping and displaying student work.
- Using Talk Moves to Support Mathematical Discussions in a CMP Classroom
- 2016 Users' Conference Video
- Presented by Cynthia Callard & Jennifer Kruger
- Five Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematical Discussions
- Use the practices to focus the discussion on the mathematics of the lesson.
- New CMP Teacher Suggestions Video
- From the 2010 Users' Conference
- Presented by Yvonne Grant, Teri Keusch, and Jim Mamer
- Questions asked by Ryan Hoffman (a student teacher in a CMP classroom), Jill Newton (assistant professor at Purdue University who supervisors student teachers), and audience members.
- Is it important all groups share their work in the summary? 3 minutes 5 seconds
- How do I get away from helping too much? 3 minutes 56 seconds
Discourse and Collaboration: Supporting Students
- Choosing and Establishing Classroom Norms
- Establishing a classroom culture where student thinking is visible and valued will help students view learning as their own and strive to work collaboratively to a deeper understanding.
- Working with Pairs and Small Groups
- CMP suggests two types of collaborative-learning groupings: partner work and small-group work.
- Shake It Up Videos
- Add-On's 2 minutes 3 seconds
- Edit My Thought 1 minute 56 seconds
- Gallery Walk 2 minutes 52 seconds
- Spies 1 minute 50 seconds
- Dry Erase Desks 1 minute 19 seconds
- Stations 2 minutes 24 seconds
- New CMP Teacher Suggestions Video
- How do you convince students to work together? 5 minutes 51 seconds
- What do you do when students get wrong answers? 1 minute 50 seconds
- What do you do with students who finish ahead of others? 2 minutes 26 seconds
Student Work and Notebooks
- Role of Student Work in Promoting Understanding and Reasoning
- CMP3 uses examples of student work throughout the student editions and teacher support to address the standard: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
- Making Thinking Visible
- When you are establishing student ownership of their learning, a first step is to have students prepare artifacts that will be displayed for peer observation followed by whole-class or small group dialogue about their artifacts.
- Notebooks from the 2014 and 2015 Getting to Know CMP Workshops
- Teri Keusch
- Anne Marie Nicoll Turner Part 1 - 2014
- Anne Marie Nicoll Turner Part 1 - 2015
- Yvonne Grant
- Kathy Dole
- Jim Mamer
- Melanie Del Grosso
- Anne Marie Nicoll Turner Part 2
- Shake It Up
- Interactive Notebooks 2 minutes 53 seconds
- Color 1 minute 31 seconds
- Preparing Communication and Organization Tools
- New CMP Teacher Suggestions Video
- How do you use notebooks, especially for low level learners? 3 minutes 43 seconds
- How do you decide what to assign for homework and how to grade it? 2 minutes 20 seconds
Using Technology
- Framing Technology Choices 4 minutes 33 seconds
- Presented by Shawn Towle and Karrie Tufts
- From 2016 Getting to Know CMP Summer Workshops
- One to One and Collaboration Video 50 seconds
- Presentedby Shawn Towle and Karrie Tufts
- From 2016 Getting to Know CMP Summer Workshops
- Flipped Classroom & CMP Video 1 minute 42 seconds
- Presented by Shawn Towle and Karrie Tufts
- From 2016 Getting to Know CMP Summer Workshops