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The Connected Mathematics Project has been the receipent of a number of research grants and awards over the past four decades. Click below to learn about our Awards.

2022–2026 Using Problem-Based Learning Analytics to Investigate Individual and Collaborative Mathematics Learning in a Digital Environment Over Time.
NSF DRK-12 Research.

2020–2024 Enhancing the Teacher-Curriculum Relationship In Problem-Based Mathematics Classrooms By Connecting Teacher And Student Digital Collaborative Environments.
NSF DRK-12 Research.

2017–2022 Promoting Productive Disciplinary Engagement and Learning in Middle School Mathematics Using Open Problems with “Just-in-Time” Supports.
NSF EHR Core Research.

2016–2022 Collaborative Research: Enhancing Middle Grades Students’ Capacity to Develop and Communicate Their Mathematical Understanding of Big Ideas Using Digital Inscriptional Resources. NSF DRK-12 Research Collaborative with The Concord Consortium.


2009–2015 Supplement to the Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum (CSMC) for research and doctoral support. National Science Foundation. Awarded to Michigan State University, University of Missouri, Western Michigan University. NSF/ESI-0333879.

2004–2014 Center for the Study of Mathematics Curriculum. National Science Foundation. Awarded to Michigan State University, University of Missouri, Western Michigan University.

2003–2004 Research Supplement to the Connected Mathematics Project Phase II. National Science Foundation. Awarded to Michigan State University.

2002–2005 Show-Me II. Show-Me Center, University of Missouri. CMP Satellite Awarded to Michigan State University.

2000–2006 Connected Mathematics Phase II. National Science Foundation. Awarded to Michigan State University.

1999–2000 Supplement to Connecting Teaching Learning and Assessment. National Science Foundation. Awarded to Michigan State University.

1997–2002 Show-Me. Awarded to Michigan State University. The Show-Me Center, which is funded to the University of Missouri, was created to disseminate information on the five NSF-funded middle school mathematics curricula. The Connected Mathematics curriculum at MSU is one of the five curricula and a Show-Me Center Satellite.

1995–1999 Connecting Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, National Science Foundation. Awarded to Michigan State University.

1993–1996 Research Supplement to the Connected Mathematics Project.

1991–1996 Director/Co-principal Investigator. National Science Foundation. Awarded to Michigan State University. NSF/MDR-91-50217. The purpose is to design, test, and implement a national curriculum for middle grades including a strong evaluation and professional development component.

Grants that supported the Development of CMP

1988–1991 Professional Development Teams for Improving the Teaching of Mathematics in the Middle Grades. Co-principal Investigator National Science Foundation. Awarded to Michigan State University. NSF/TPE-88-50505.

The project trained twenty teams of middle school and teacher administrators to assume a leadership role in shaping new directions for mathematics in the middle grades.



1987–1989 Workshop. Co-principal Investigator National Science Foundation. Awarded to Michigan State University. NSF/TEI-86-51686.

Twenty-five outstanding middle school teachers were selected to attend a three-week summer institute in the Summer of 1987. The purpose was to train these teachers to become Coordinators of the Middle Grades Mathematics Project materials created at Michigan State University, June 1987–September 1988.


1986–1988 Teaching and Learning Algebra Project. Co-director and Co-principal Investigator National Science Foundation. Awarded to Michigan State University. NSF/TEI-85-50424.

This program included a three-week on-campus workshop during the Summer of 1986 for twenty-four lead teachers. This was followed by three two-day conferences during the year and visits to all of the twenty-four schools involved. The project continued into the summer (1987) with each lead teacher bringing two colleagues to campus for a weeklong workshop. This was followed by a one-day conference in the Winter of 1988 and visits to the schools during the academic year. The purpose of this project was to improve the effectiveness of teaching in the secondary schools and to create a set of leaders for mathematics education in Michigan. The model for this professional development plan was based on the results of an earlier research grant of the mathematics education group (see research grants below).



1981–1983 Middle Grades Mathematics Project. Co-principal Investigator National Science Foundation. Awarded to Michigan State University. NSF/SED-80-18025.

Developed units of mathematics instruction for middle grades. (Lappan, Director).


Facilitators’ Choice Award for the NSF 2019 STEM For All Video Showcase

Enhancing Middle Grades Students’ Capacity to Develop and Communicate their

Mathematical Understanding. Edson, A. J., Bieda, K., Dorsey, C., Kimball, N., & Phillips, E. D.

(2019, May 13). https://stemforall2019.videohall.com/presentations/1552


ISDDE 2008 Award for Excellence in Educational Design

The International Society for Design and Development Award for excellence in the design of a product learning science or mathematics (2008)

(Awarded to E. Phillips and G. Lappan).


American Association for the Advancement of Science

The American Association for Advancement of Science (1999), in its review of twelve nationally available middle school mathematics curricula, ranked Connected Mathematics highest, stating that it “contains both in-depth mathematics content and excellent instructional support.”


U.S. Department of Education

Connected Mathematics was the only middle school mathematics curriculum awarded “exemplary” status by the U.S. Department of Education’s Mathematics and Science Education Expert Panel (1999).

Of the 61 elementary, middle school, and high school curricula submitted for review, only five received this status.

NCSM Ross Taylor/Glenn Gilbert National Leadership Award

Both Glenda Lappan (2007) and Elizabeth Difanis Phillips (2023) received this award.


NCTM Lifetime Achievement Award

James Fey (2005), Glenda Lappan (2004), and Elizabeth Difanis Phillips (2023) received this award.


Honorary Doctor of Science Degree

Elizabeth Difanis Phillips received an Honorary Doctor of Science Degree awarded by Michigan State University in 2022.


The President’s Award

Elizabeth Difanis Phillips was awarded the President’s Award for outstanding professional achievement December 20, 2003, by the Regents of The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire


The Lappan-Phillips-Fitzgerald Endowed Chair in Mathematics Education

Royalties from CMP Endowment Funds created the Lappan-Phillips-Fitzgerald Endowed Chair in Mathematics Education in 2002.


The Lappan-Phillips Endowed Professorships in Mathematics and Science

Royalties from CMP Endowment Funds created the Lappan-Phillips Professorship in Mathematics and Science. As of 2024 there are four Lappan-Phillips Professorships.


Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame

Glenda Lappan and Elizabeth Difanis Phillips were inducted in 2009. They received the Life Achievement Award presented by the Women’s Studies Association. The award highlighted the contribution of CMP to mathematics education.