Grade 6

Prime Time: Factors and Multiples
Investigation 1: Building on Factors and Multiples
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.EE.A.2a, 6.EE.A.2b, 6.EE.A.3
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster
Investigation 2: Common Multiples and Common Factors
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.NS.B.4, 6.EE.A.2a, 6.EE.A.2b
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster
Investigation 3: Factorizations: Searching for Factor Strings
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.EE.A.1, 6.EE.A.2b
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster
Investigation 4: Linking Multiplication and Addition: The Distributive Property
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.EE.A.1, 6.EE.A.2b, 6.EE.A.2c, 6.EE.A.3
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster

Comparing Bits and Pieces: Ratios, Rational Numbers, and Equivalence
Investigation 1: Making Comparisons
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.RP.A.1, 6.RP.A.3, 6RP.3a, 6.RP.A.2, 6.NS.C.6
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster
Investigation 2: Connecting Ratios and Rates
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.RP.A.1, 6.RP.A.2, 6.RP.A.3, 6.RP.A.3a, 6.RP.A.3b
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster
Investigation 3: Extending the Number Line
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.NS.C.5, 6.NS.C.6, 6.NS.C.6a, 6.NS.C.6c,6.NS.C.7, 6.NS.C.7a, 6.NS.C.7b,6.NS.C.7c, 6.NS.C.7d, 6.RP.A.1, 6.RP.A.3, 6.RP.A.2
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster
6.NS.B.3, 6.NS.B.4
Investigation 4: Working With Percents
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.RP.A.1, 6.RP.A.3, 6.RP.A.3b, 6.RP.A.3c, 6.NS.B.2

Let's Be Rational: Understanding Fraction Operations
Investigation 1: Extending Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster
6.NS.B.3, 6.NS.B.4
Investigation 2: Building on Multiplying With Fractions
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster
6.NS.B.3, 6.NS.B.4
Investigation 3: Dividing With Fractions
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster
6.NS.A.1, 6.NS.B.2, 6.NS.B.3, 6.NS.B.4
Investigation 4: Wrapping up the Operations
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.NS.EE.A.1, 6.EE.A.1, 6.EE.A.2c, 6.EE.B.6, 6.EE.B.7, 6.EE.A.2,6.EE.A.2a, 6.EE.A.2b
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster
6.NS.B.3, 6.NS.B.4

Covering and Surrounding: Two-Dimensional Measurement
Investigation 1: Designing Bumper Cars: Extending and Building on Area and Perimeter
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.NS.C.8, 6.EE.A.2, 6.EE.A.2a, 6.EE.A.2c, 6.EE.A.3, 6.EE.B.6, 6.EE.C.9
Common Core Standard in Supporting Cluster
Investigation 2: Measuring Triangles
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.EE.A.2, 6.EE.A.2a, 6.EE.A.2c, 6.EE.A.3, 6.EE.A.4, 6.EE.B.6, 6.EE.C.9
Common Core Standard in Supporting Cluster
Investigation 3: Measuring Parallelograms
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.EE.A.2, 6.EE.A.2a, 6.EE.A.2c, 6.NS.C.8,6.EE.B.6, 6.EE.C.9
Common Core Standard in Supporting Cluster
6.G.A.1, 6.G.A.3
Investigation 4: Measuring Surface Area and Volume
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.EE.A.2, 6.EE.A.2a, 6.EE.A.2c, 6.EE.A.4, 6.EE.B.6, 6.EE.C.9
Common Core Standard in Supporting Cluster
6.G.A.1, 6.G.A.2, 6.G.A.4

Decimal Ops: Computing with Decimals and Percents
Investigation 1: Decimal Operations and Estimation
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.RP.A.1, 6.RP.A.2, 6.RP.A.3
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster
6.NS.B.2, 6.NS.B.3
Investigation 2: Adding and Subtracting Decimals
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.EE.A.2, 6.EE.A.2a, 6.EE.B.5, 6.EE.B.6, 6.EE.B.7
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster
Investigation 3: Multiplying and Dividing Decimals
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.NS.A.1, 6.EE.A.3, 6.EE.B.7
Common Core Standard in Supporting Cluster
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster
6.NS.B.2, 6.NS.B.3
Investigation 4: Using Percents
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.RP.A.1, 6.RP.A.2, 6.RP.A.3c, 6.NS.B.3, 6.NS.B.2, 6.RP.A.3, 6.EE.A.3, 6.EE.B.6, 6.EE.B.7

Variables and Patterns: Focus on Algebra
Investigation 1: Variables, Tables, and Graphs
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.EE.C.9, 6.NS.C.6c, 6.NS.C.8, 6.RP.A.3a,6.RP.A.3b, 6.RP.A.3d
Investigation 2: Analyzing Relationships Among Variables
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.EE.C.9, 6.NS.C.6b, 6.NS.C.6c, 6.NS.C.8, 6.NS.C.6
Investigation 3: Relating Variables With Equations
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.EE.A.2, 6.EE.A.2a, 6.EE.A.2c, 6.EE.B.6, 6.EE.B.7, 6.EE.C.9, 6.RP.A.3, 6.RP.A.3a, 6.RP.A.3b, 6.RP.A.3d, 6.RP.A.3, 6.EE.A.1, 6.EE.A.3, 6.EE.A.4
Investigation 4: Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.EE.A.2, 6.EE.A.2c, 6.EE.A.3, 6.EE.A.4, 6.EE.B.5, 6.EE.B.6, 6.EE.B.7, 6.EE.B.8, 6.EE.C.9, 6.NS.C.8, 6.RP.A.3b, 6.RP.A.3a, 6.EE.A.2a, 6.EE.A.2b

Data About Us: Statistics and Data Analysis
Investigation 1: What’s in a Name? Organizing, Representing, and Describing Data
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster
6.SP.A.1, 6.SP.A.2, 6.SP.A.3, 6.SP.B.4, 6.SP.B.5, 6.SP.B.5a, 6.SP.B.5c
Investigation 2: Who’s in Your Household? Using the Mean
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.NS.C.6, 6.NS.C.7
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster
6.SP.A.1, 6.SP.A.2, 6.SP.A.3, 6.SP.B.4, 6.SP.B.5, 6.SP.B.5a, 6.SP.B.5b, 6.SP.B.5c, 6.SP.B.5d
Investigation 3: What Is Your Favorite Cereal? Measuring Variability
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.NS.B.3, 6.RP.A.3b, 6.NS.C.6, 6.NS.C.7,
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster
6.SP.A.1, 6.SP.A.2, 6.SP.B.4, 6.SP.B.5, 6.SP.A.3, 6.SP.B.5c, 6.SP.B.5d
Investigation 4: What Numbers Describe Us? Using Graphs to Group Data
Common Core Standard in Major Cluster
6.NS.C.6, 6.NS.C.7
Common Core Standard in Additional Cluster
6.SP.A.1, 6.SP.A.2, 6.SP.B.4,6.SP.B5, 6.SP.A.3, 6.SP.B.5a, 6.SP.B.5c, 6.SP.B.5d