Student Skills
Developing an Algorithm for Fraction Multiplication
This video is of a student or students demonstrating a skill. The focus is students' use and flexibility with skills.
The video was shot in the same week, when students were studying Bits and Pieces II, Investigation 3 for CMP2 (Let's Be Rational, Investigation 2 is the CMP3 equivalent).
As you view the video, consider the following:
- What skill is the student demonstrating?
- When did the student learn this skill?
- Is the student proficient?
- Is the algorithm traditional? Mathematically correct?
- How does this skill relate to either the meaning of fractions or multiplying fractions (the focus of Bits and Pieces II, Inv. 3)?
- In what setting has the skill arisen—homework, a new problem or some other setting?
- Does the student seem confident? Is he/she making sense?
- Has the teacher chosen to include this skill practice at an appropriate time? (See Teri’s reflection for Day 3.)
- Are there occasions when students are seen using procedural skills without any relation to developing conceptual knowledge?
- What value is there in practicing procedural skills for their own sake?
- Full Length Video (26.32)
- Problem 3.3
- Goals
- Estimate products of fractions
- Use models to represent the product of two fractions
- Understand that finding a fraction of a number means multiplication
- Develop and use strategies and models for multiplying combinations of fractions, whole numbers, and mixed numbers to solve problems
- Determine when multiplication is an appropriate operation
- Explore the relationships between two numbers and their product
- Develop and use an efficient algorithm to solve any fraction multiplication problem
- Video Transcript
- Suggestions for organizing Professional Development