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CMP Talks at MI-AMTE 2025

Connected Mathematics Team Highlights Collaborative Insights at Conversations among Colleagues Conference

On March 15, 2025, members of the Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) team presented engaging sessions at the Conversations among Colleagues Conference hosted by the Michigan Chapter of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Held at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, the event brought together mathematics educators to share innovative practices and reflections on enhancing mathematics teaching and learning.

The CMP team delivered three impactful sessions emphasizing collaborative teaching strategies, digital and non-digital learning environments, and powerful engagement techniques using Connected Mathematics4 materials.

The first session, "Teachers Collaborating for Change: Reflecting on Digital and Non-Digital Math Learning Environments," presented by Elizabeth Phillips, Jennifer Douglas, Brandy Powell, Alden J. Edson, and Yvonne Slanger-Grant, explored collaborative teaching practices. The team shared practical insights from their experiences teaching CMP4 curriculum problems in diverse environments, offering attendees actionable strategies to foster sustained professional collaboration.

Teachers Collaborating

In the second session, "Connected Mathematics 4: Four Years of Collaborative Design, Testing, and Evaluation,"CMP authors Elizabeth D. Phillips, Jill Douglas, Brian Powell, Alden J. Edson, and Yvonne Slanger-Grant detailed their four-year journey in developing CMP4. They highlighted the collaborative efforts between authors and educators, emphasizing effective ways to engage diverse learners in mathematics.

MI-AMTE - Ashley Farby

In the final session, titled "Teacher Preparation for CMP4: Materials to Support Future Educators," presenters Elizabeth Phillips, Jill Douglas, Brian Powell, Alden J. Edson, and Yvonne Slanger-Grant shared valuable resources and strategies for mathematics teacher educators. Their focus was on equipping future teachers with the tools and insights necessary to successfully integrate CMP4 into diverse classroom settings.

These sessions provided attendees with practical methods to strengthen teacher collaboration, effectively utilize digitalCMP Team At CAC and traditional tools, and improve student engagement in mathematics. The CMP team continues to exemplify their commitment to empowering educators and students through innovative mathematics education.

Full Session Details:

Teachers Collaborating for Change: Reflecting on Digital and Non-Digital Math Learning Environments
Presenters: Phillips, E. D., Douglas, J., Powell, B., Edson, A. J., & Slanger-Grant, Y.
Conversations among Colleagues Conference, Michigan Chapter of AMTE
March 15, 2025 | Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
The session explored practical strategies for collaboration among teachers using Connected Mathematics4 materials in both digital and traditional environments.

Connected Mathematics 4: A Collaborative Design Process
Presenters: Phillips, E. D., Douglas, J., Powell, B., Edson, A. J., & Slanger-Grant, Y.
March 15, 2025 | Session 2, 10:30 am – 11:15 am | Room 1140 Schneider Hall
This session shared insights from a four-year process of collaborative design and testing, focused on enhancing student engagement and understanding through CMP4.

Teacher Education Course Materials for CMP4: Preparing Educators for Success
Presented by Phillips, E. D., Douglas, J., Powell, B., Edson, A. J., & Slanger-Grant, Y.
March 15, 2025 | Session 3, 2:15 pm – 3:00 pm | Room 1140 Schneider Hall
Presenters invited educators to explore teacher preparation resources, offering guidance on successfully implementing CMP4 within various teaching contexts.